Smart and Smarty Apps

Coloring Game Animals 1.0.7
Coloring game: Animals is a very amusingcoloring game especially for kids, but it can be enjoyable for thewhole family! In Coloring game Animals using the painting brush,you can easily paint every parts of the image and your colorpalette contains more colors which makes the coloring easy andinteresting.Tags: Coloring, coloring, Colory, colory, Game, game, Kid, kid,Kids, kids, child, children, preschool-age, kindergarten, animal,animals
Memory War 1.0.1
This is an amazing memory game from Smart& Smarty made unique by the multiplayer game mode. Beat yourfriend's mind in this memory game and use the instant actions tohelp yourself in the battles. Stop your enemy's turn, double nextpoints, turn off the light or if you are in a big trouble thenshuffle the whole table! In campaign mode you can train yourselfand your memory to be the best Memory Warrior!
Coloring Game Anime 1.0.1
Colory:Anime is a very amusing coloring gameespecially for kids, but it can be enjoyable for the whole family!Using the painting brush, you can easily paint every parts of theimage and your color palette contains more colors which makes thecoloring easy and interesting.In the first version there are many funny animals, boys andgirls and in the future updates you can find more and more!
Sliding Puzzle: Animals 1.0.3
Slidy Puzzle: Animals is a very amusing puzzlegame especially for kids, but it can be enjoyable for the wholefamily!This game challenges the player to slide the pieces of an image totheir original place to recreate the image. You canchoose from different animal images and difficulty levels.Tags: sliding, slide, slidy, puzzle, game, kid, Kids, child,children, animal, animals
Sort It! for Kids 1.3.1
Sort it! for kids is a new education game forlittle children. In this funny application children can find fourdifferent game modes.In the first mode they learn to sort vegetables and fruits thenthey travel to the world of toys and finally a small math excercisehelps them to discover the numbers.They can reach harder and harder levels and try to beat eachother's high scores.Funny, educational and colorful app with long time entertainmentfor children!
Sort It! Animals 1.3.1
Sort it! Animals is a new education game forlittle children. In this funny application children can find fourdifferent game modes. In each mode they learn to sortanimals.They can reach harder and harder levels and try to beat eachother's high scores.Funny, educational and colorful app with long time entertainmentfor children!
Scrum Planning Cards 1.1.1
Live in a digital world! Use your tablet inyour Scrum meetings instead of boring cards or slips ofpaper!Cheaper, faster and easier!
Coloring Game Little Red 1.4.0
Colory: Little Red Riding Hood is a veryamusing coloring game especially for kids, but it can be enjoyablefor the whole family! Using the painting brush, you can easilypaint every parts of the image and your color palette contains morecolors which makes the coloring easy and interesting.Tags: Coloring, coloring, Colory, Game, game, Kid, kid, Kids,kids, child, children, preschool-age, kindergarten, little, red,little red, riding hood
Kid MATcH 1.0.3
MATcH Memory is a brand new memory game forchildren. Your child will love it because it has four differentgame modes, you can collect stars and many nice badges.Furthermore in multiplayer mode you can play against each other, soit is a really fun family game too.Children can learn to memorize numbers and roman numbers and canpractice addition and subtraction during every game.Be the best MATcH Memory player by solving the puzzles as fastas you can!System requirements:- Adobe AIR- min 800x480 screen resolutionTags: Memory, memory, Game, game, Kid, kid, Kids, kids, child,children, preschool-age, kindergarten, primary school, quiz,Quiz
Where Is My Money 1.0.0
You spent all your money again? You barelyevenknow where did you spend it? Where have your money gone? Whydo youkeep running the same circles in your finances over and overagain?It's time to change your spending habits! Where is my money?is asimple and clear tool to track your expenses! Try thisfreeapplication, and it gives you the answer: Where is my money?thenew expense tracker from Smart & Smarty! Simple asarock!
Dohányvágymentes Munkahely 1.0
Az Dohányvágymentes Munkahely Programkísérőapplikációjának feladata, hogy a kizárólag meghívás alaponműködőprogram kiegészítő felülete legyen.A program célja, hogy a munkahelyi közösségekhatékonymódszereket alkalmazva, a közösség erejére építveszabaduljanak mega dohányzás utáni vágytól.A Dohányvágymentes Munkahely Program a tudományosanalátámasztottleszokási módszerek közül a leghatékonyabbat kínálja.2-3 hónaposprogram kombinálja a csoportos viselkedésterápiát és azigényszerint kialakított gyógyszeres kezelést.The accompanyingtobaccoor Free Workplace Program applications including mission istosupplement surface of the operating invitation only programisbased.The program aims at using effective methods of work oflocalcommunities, building on community strengths rid of the desiretosmoke.The Tobacco-Free Workplace Program Desire offers ascientificallyproven the most effective smoking cessation methods.2-3 monthprogram combines group behavior therapy and medicationwith thedemand.